Strong. Secure. Dependable.
Local auto locksmith
Lock Out
Locking oneself out of a car is a common occurrence that can happen to anyone. We know that this is a frustrating and stressful experience. We have opened locked doors for people in all sorts of situations. No need to panic. Our compassionate technicians will get you back on the road.
Get Into Locked Car
Are you locked out of your car? Our mobile locksmiths come to you when your keys are locked in your car, truck, large truck or RV. We are there for you in Utah County and surrounding areas.
Get Key out of Locked Car
We are experienced locksmiths with over 25 years experience opening vehicles.
Locksmiths with less experience may not get you in to your vehicle, or worse, may cause damage to it.
High Tech Locksmith
We give you a free quote before we come and we stick with that price. Be careful of locksmiths who quote a suspiciously low price, won’t give a firm quote, use a toll free number, or who don’t have a company name.
key programming
Need a new key for your car?
Locksmith Store Near Me
We make automobile key fob replacements for less than dealerships charge. We cut and program most vehicle’s chipped keys. If your smart key is lost, we come to you. No need for an expensive tow. Our mobile service comes to you when you need an emergency car key replacement.
Mobile Car Key Replacement
In a few simple steps you have a new key for your car.
Be prepared to give this information to the locksmith:
Vehicle year make and model
Vehicle registration
Vehicle identification number (VIN)
Personal identification
Your current location
Lost Only Car Key?
We verify that we have the key and any required code for your vehicle. We set up an appointment to come to the vehicle.
Once at the vehicle, it takes the us about 15-30 minutes to program the new key. After that your car or truck is ready to be driven.
spare car keys
Car Remote Key Fob
Want an extra copy of your car keys? We make keys for most vehicles including cars, trucks, large trucks and ATV’s. It is wise to get a spare key made. If you’ve lost your key, we come to you, saving you an expensive tow. We are your local locksmith and will be there for you.
Emergency Car Key Replacement
Three Good Reasons to Have More Than One Set of Car Keys
1) You’ll have less of a chance of being stranded without a key. You locked your one key in the car. The key becomes lost or broken. Having a spare key in your purse, at home or with a trusted loved one in the case of an emergency is a good idea. Not having a spare key can leave you without a vehicle for up to two weeks as some keys take a while to ship in.
2) It is much cheaper to get a new key made from an existing key. Avoids the cost of a service call if you can drive your car to a locksmith or dealer rather than a tow or them coming to you. If you use a locksmith, he will have to buy the key code which costs up to $125. This increases the price.
3) If someone else wants to use the car, they can use the spare key.
Call now for a free quote.
What does it take for the expert technicians at Payson Lock & Key to program chipped car keys for our customers? From initial phone call to your new key, watch and see!