What is the Right Safe For You?

There are two types of safes:

1) Burglar resistant - Designed to protect your valuables from thieves. Protection is achieved by using steel and other materials in the door and body of the safe. Intricate locking and relocking devices are also used. Good safes resist attack from tools and explosives.

2) Fire resistant - Designed to protect your valuable papers and/or business records from fire damage. Protection is achieved by fire resistant material that reduces or limits the heat transfer to the inside of the safe.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) tests safes to determine their resistance to theft or fire. They then rate them. It is important to use a UL rated safe and to understand what the ratings mean. A locksmith who works with safes understands the ratings and gives guidance when purchasing a safe. Come in or call us for more information when choosing a safe.


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